Dear reader, I am delighted to share this amazing summit video with you, where you will learn how I prepared for the most beautiful "conscious relationship" with my Beloved, Simon.
I share with Kelly Morgan, Sacred Womb Practitioner, creator of the Healing Beauty Summit and founder of Kelly Morgan TV :
Getting Ready for Sacred Union:
What is a REAL Sacred Union (not a fantasy or over spiritualised one)
What makes a conscious relationship between two partners
The attitude of giving that's necessary to attract love
How I got ready to meet my Beloved (a lot of trauma work and self healing)
The multi-dimensional levels of Soulmate connection
Want to get ready for a sacred union / conscious relationship?
I invite you to download my free guide: 8 Keys for Conscious Relationship so you can start on your journey to get ready NOW!
Here you will learn:
What makes a conscious relationship different from relationships you've learned before:
Becoming self-sourcing with your love - no more looking for it outside yourself
Taking responsibility for your emotions
Disentangling from the co-dependent drama triangle
Deciding on your sexual polarity for lasting attraction
Taking charge of your sexual pleasure
Making a clear decision on what you wish to manifest in your current or next relationship
Moving into the energetic resonance of sacred union